All posts by D. E. Fulton


Horse and Buggy

I commonly see a Horse and Buggy while in Savannah. The clopping of hooves, along with the sounds of laughter, jazz, and ghost stories, fill the air in this historic town.



Trolley On Russian Hill

There was a chilled breeze on that morning, much more than the day before, as we navigated the bay toward Alcatraz Island. I was able to capture a photo of this trolley descending Russian Hill while crossing San Francisco Bay. This Print available in the Belews & Grove Gift Shop.



Savannah Spanish Moss

I spent the day in Savannah, where I found myself looking up at the Spanish Moss and daydreaming. I know there’s always a story just around the next bend, so I keep my camera ready. This Print available in the Belews & Grove Gift Shop.


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